Marta Lettieri
Computational Toxicology Research Scientist
Mercoledì 5 giugno vi invitiamo a partecipare al Workshop:
Saremo lieti di incontrarvi presso lo stand n. 5 dell'area espositiva.
TOXIT is enthusiastic to join the 21st National Congress of Toxicology organised by the Italian society of Toxicology SITOX! We will be in Bologna from the 20th to the 22nd of February. We are also glad to share that Dr. Marta Lettieri will be presenting a poster titled “Skin sensitization: AOPs and (Q)SAR models” (P5/1).
Looking forward to meeting you there!
We are proud to announce that our colleague Marta Lettieri will be speaking at the workshop "Modelling & Simulation: Research Methodologies for Small Populations in Rare Diseases", which will be held in Bari on July 4th-5th.
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